09 June 2008


I haven't posted much about Obama because I can't bring myself to believe my beloved country will elect this naive, inexperienced, vapid person of questionable judgment to the office of the Presidency. Today, however, I was presented with something so funny and apt that I felt I must share (and which made me wish I could draw better). Anne of Idaho wrote in:

Several people on-line today have been positing that Obama will “grow with the job” and become more centrist as the realities are brought to his attention. Someone ought to do a cartoon with Obama on a bicycle with training wheels practicing on the White House driveway. I envision him in a dorky striped shirt and shorts with untied sneakers and a beanie hat with a balloon tied to his wrist that says, "We Are The Ones We've Been Waiting For."

I'm going to send this to several syndicated cartoonists and see if anyone's game. Stand by!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

well we elected Bush who failed miserably at business, lied about his drunk driving record, and tried to cover it up, and made millions on insider deals...If we are that stupid, then yes, your beloved country will vote for Obama.

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