14 May 2008


Well…I may not be ready for full-fledged Libertarianism, but I truly don’t know if I can remain a registered Republican very much longer. Two nights ago I said to a Very green sounding McCain fundraiser: “Tell the Bosses that when the GOP stops sliding to the Left, gets back to Goldwater-Reagan values, and helps nominate a decent Conservative candidate, I’ll gladly give more money. And tell them to stop sending out these stupid pretend surveys that a tree monkey could complete just so they can ask for more money for their lame campaign.” She was silent for a moment, and then laughed and said “ok,” and hung up. I respected her for that; I really did.

I guess I was still grouchy from McCain’s interview with O’Reilly late last week. Big Mac says he refuses to consider drilling in ANWR, nor will he crack down on sanctuary cities…because he is a Teddy Roosevelt conservative. (?!) Um, try not to abuse TR’s legacy like that, “my friend.” TR was tough, wise, and knew the difference between good policy and pandering. He cared about conservation – but was wise with it. And he wanted measured, well-managed immigration. I very much doubt he would have approved of McCain’s tedious thirty-nine part illegal immigration “program.” I ask you: why must McNoodle appear on my television screen and conjure up the dead spirit of past conservatives as if it says something about HIM? Can he not entertain and convey these ideas on his own? Where is the principled and pure conservatism of the Now?

And please don’t feed me any lines about John’s commitment to appointing conservative judges. That’s a no-brainer, so no Brownie Points will be awarded. And anyway McCain has more demerits than he can hope to overcome. He has, after all, failed to complete assignments again and again. Like when, you ask? Well, let us count the ways. He pulled some pretty dirty campaign tricks on Bush in 2000 but now haughtily insists he will run a “respectful” campain against Obama. I guess he only plays nasty with members of his own party, but against the man who may well be the downfall of our nation he will be Oh So Nice. I mean, He’ll be Lovey Dovey.

To continue… McCain slandered the Swift Boat veterans against John Kerry without the basis of evidence, which I found just astounding. He also echoed the lies of the Left by deriding the Bush tax cuts as being only “for the rich.” He has flip-flopped on immigration policy numerous times. He favors constitutional rights for terrorists. He helped legitimize the filibustering of judicial nominees in the Senate. He championed bad campaign-finance reform. He has participated in the demonization of the big, bad oil and drug companies. He co-sponsored the McCain-Kennedy illegal immigrant Forgive, Forget and Let’s-all-have-a-Scotch bill. He also voted for Specter’s hare-brained Let’s-politely-ask-for-Mexico’s-permission-to-build-a-fence-on-our-own-freaking-border Bill. He has sold out on global warming and talks about Green living like he invented it. His pro-life credentials are questionable. (Shall I continue…?)

“So, what do you WANT?” a friend inquires nervously as I finish the rant. Great question, and SO glad you asked. I want a conservative candidate who is…a Conservative. I want a president who talks sincerely and intelligently about reducing government. I want a POTUS who genuinely wants government transparency at every level. I want a strict adherence to ethics and a swift cutting off the offending hand when violations occur. I want our $3.1 trillion dollar federal budget slashed. I want balanced budgets at all levels of government. I want major tax reform with lower taxes for all. I want an end to the welfare state and an end to taxpayer dollars being doled out to entitlements and special interests of all kinds. I want an end to subsidies. Let us all live and die in the free market, and let people give to the causes they believe are worthy because they choose to do so.

I do not want the government giving money to anyone who bought a home they can’t afford, or saving any mortgage company who loaned too much money to too many high risk borrowers. Let everyone learn their lesson, and lick their wounds, and proceed. No one will die because they have to give up their house and go rent for awhile, so let’s stop behaving as if this “crisis” is on the level of a personal tragedy. I want things to happen because the economy makes them necessary or because individuals and private organized groups gather up and make it so. I want an end to union dues being used for political purposes without member permission. I want an end to earmarks forever. In general, I want less Bureaucracy in the Universe.

I want a better, stronger, faster, meaner military, and I want to use it to frighten the world into behaving properly where American interests are concerned. I want everyone in this country to get real about the dark soullessness of Islamic fundamentalism and terrorism. I want a swift cooling of relationship with all nations who claim they are for peace but either whistle and look the other way or are in bed with these nuts on the sly. Including and starting with Saudi Arabia and Egypt. I want Israel to bomb anyone who breathes in their direction, and I want to throw a parade for them every time they do. I want the NRA to thrive, and I want to keep my guns and be free to buy more, and I want our kids to learn how to use them properly, and I want to be free to shoot intruders and trespassers or anyone who tries to harm me or my family.

I want the CIA to organize an infiltration of the organization of every sick, murderous despot in the world so they can summarily shoot he and all his drooling cronies in the head. (I realize this is where the Libertarians and I part ways. I also realize it separates me from many of my Christian friends. However, I am an unapologetic Interventionist when it is called for, and I believe it is called for whenever and wherever diabolically inclined dicators are responsible for grave human rights violations. I believe there is such a thing as right and wrong, and I believe we have a moral obligation to say so, and to do something about it. If someone summarily and systematically murders those who they are supposed to lead and care for, let them be shot, and let God judge their souls, and let their people go free.)

I want an end to the “drug war” which is costing us billions, filling up our prisons, and accomplishing little. Many companies have drug testing policies, and many other companies don’t care, so let’s just let everyone make their choices and let the market do what it does. If private organizations want to battle the sale and use of drugs, and help people who are addicted through education and counseling, let them do so, with our thanks. I want prison system reform including the establishment of work camps and compounds where all prisoners will pay their debt to society by laboring 40 to 50 hours per week (just like the rest of us!) both to maintain the prison and to produce something useful. I want these prison workplaces to be managed like a business: efficiently and for profit.

I want us to abolish or considerably reduce the scope and influence of the failed Department of Education. I want more charter schools and more encouragement and resources for home schoolers. I want education reform and better public education for fewer billions of dollars. I want more intelligent educational and career tracking for kids based on their skills, interests, and goals. I want to encourage more kids to go to vocational and/or trade and/or tech schools and for everyone to stop pretending that every kid needs a four to nine year college education for our country to be great. I want an end to affirmative action in academics. The smartest and best and most hard working ought to be accepted to our universities, no matter their gender, class, or race. Less talented students can attend community college and transfer in later if they are able, which they should be if they have any ability at all.

I want our courts to honor and uphold our Constitution. I do not want it revised. I want all judges to do their jobs, by the book. I want to stop the slow erosion of personal property rights. I do not want national, socialized health care. (I’ll take McCain’s tax credit for health care, but let’s remember that if our taxes weren’t so high in the first place we wouldn’t need a freaking credit in order to afford our doctor’s bills. Am I supposed to feel like McCain is “doing” something for me when really I’m just getting some of my own damn money back…?) I don’t want any cap-and-crap energy policy. I don’t want corporations trading or selling carbon emission credits like baseball cards. Can we please stop introducing abstract ideas into our economy as if they can actually serve as real currency and support the market? Good grief!

I want us to accept that there is nothing Hillary Clinton or anyone else can do about the OPEC oil cartel and their inflation of prices…except to drill for oil and refine here at home where and when we needed and even if it means running an ugly pipeline or two over the freaking tundra and ruining the scenic view of some Arctic terns.. I want us to get the per gallon gas prices back down at least in the $2.00s while we figure out what the next generation of cars is going to run on. (And it is NOT bio fuel. Even though plants are a quasi-“renewable resource,” the earth cannot sustain enough plants for both food and the world’s rising fuel demand. Hyrdogen fuel cells make a lot more sense, or how about that new proto-type car that is primarily motored by air pressure?)

I also want to tell the Middle East and half of Africa to feed their own damn starving citizens and neighbors since they are raking in trillions from oil sales. I want everyone here at home to stop treating nuclear power like it’s the Devil and get real about the tremendous benefits - when it’s managed correctly. It’s powerful; efficient; reliable; and opens up high tech jobs in the community. We can deal with the waste intelligently, by extracting and refining the Uranium (a huge boon to any state’s economy).


I am aware that I want what apparently cannot be had, at least not this year. And I know I will vote for McCain, as the best of the undesirables. But I will not be happy about it. And I will hope for something better next time. And I will probably have an “I” rather than an "R" on my voter card by 2012, if for no other reason than to let the GOP know how disgusted with them I really am.


Anonymous said...

YOU WROTE: Where is the principled and pure conservatism of the Now?

--Good question. We really haven't gotten that from 12 years of the imperial Bush family (who are in charge NOW) running things, have we?

YOU WROTE: I guess he only plays nasty with members of his own party, but against the man who may well be the downfall of our nation he will be Oh So Nice.

--Actually few people have come closer to being the "downfall of the nation" in our history than George W. Maybe you need to keep a more open mind here (especially if you love your country)-- as many of us did for the first 2 years of Bush's presidency. Sadly, his second election has turned out to be a crime (and crimes) against humanity. Time for a change.

YOU WROTE: I want a strict adherence to ethics and a swift cutting off the offending hand when violations occur.

--Are you sure you're not some Muslim terrorist pretending to be a concerned Republican? No wonder Chuck Muth views you as his long lost twin.

YOU WROTE: No one will die because they have to give up their house and go rent for awhile; PLUS YOU WROTE: Let us all live and die in the free market.

-- Interesting thought process. Why would I want to die there? As a registered Republican, I'm pro life here.

YOU WROTE: I want a better, stronger, faster, meaner military.

--Hmm. That's easy to find-- in science fiction.

YOU WROTE: And I want to use it to frighten the world into behaving properly where American interests are concerned.

--Wow, are you married? I like the sound of that strict, disciplinary thing. Can we invite Pat Buchanan along for a tryst? Get some Catholic Inquisition in there with the whips and chains?

YOU WROTE: I want Israel to bomb anyone who breathes in their direction, and I want to throw a parade for them every time they do.

--Amen, sister. So, are you Jewish, too?

YOU WROTE: I want to be free to shoot intruders and trespassers or anyone who tries to harm me or my family.

--Um... Last time I looked, you have that freedom now.

YOU WROTE: I am aware that I want what apparently cannot be had.

--Darn. And you paint such a desirable utopia.

Mike said...

I get really pissed by "anonymous" comments. If they can't stand on their own two legs and say, "This is who I am" then their comments are meaningless.

As for your post..RIGHT ON SISTER!!

Elizabeth Crum - "E!!" said...

Hi Mike! I checked out your blog and read Monday's post; good job with that as well as your letter to the KLAS editor. My husband and son are both looking forward to the opening of the shooting park. Thanks for your activism and I'll keep reading.

Elizabeth Crum - "E!!" said...

Dear Anon: I'm pressed for time and will probably adopt a Rule about not responding to Anonymous posts, but I'll say this just for fun:

I'm not thrilled with the Bush administration in many ways; that's part of what this post is about. Mistakes were made in re: to Iraq and much of our Intelligence was poor, but I don't believe crimes were committed - except by Saddam and his henchmen.

"Cutting off the hand that offends thee" is a Biblical reference and was not meant literally. It means swift and decisive action when wrongs are committed (rather than long and tedious congressional investigations that culminate in non-consequences for wrong-doers).

I promise I am not an undercover Muslim terrorist.

We all live and die; thus is our Existence; you're just being Silly now.

Developing a swifter, better military is not the stuff of Sci-Fi; it is happening; I just want it to happen faster.

I am married, yes. My husband is a nice, reasonable man and not a tyrannical, murderous dictator so militaristic tactics are not required.

Pat Buchanan is an Isolationatist and would disagree with what I said, so the next point makes no sense. As for the Catholic Inquisition comment, this is 2008 in the U.S. of A...so maybe you could use a more current, apt example (if you want to be taken seriously).

Thanks for stopping by and commenting, even though I'm not sure what your actual point was most of the time. Anyone can spout off sarcastic comments and seem clever...but if we don't understand the substance of your positions and arguments, we've gained nothing.

Anonymous said...

MIKE SAID: I get really pissed by "anonymous" comments. If they can't stand on their own two legs and say, "This is who I am" then their comments are meaningless.

--Sorry about that, Mike. Actually the website comment section has an "anonymous" button. I figured if "anonymous" comments were not welcome, the site would not have an anonymous button. Now that I've seen a picture of you in your happy gun gear and get-up, "anonymous" just might be a safe place to remain if you are prone to getting "really pissed" so easily.
And, frankly, I'm not the shy type either: So, while standing on my own two legs, I feel very comfortable saying, "This is who I am."

ELIZABETH MARIE CRUM WROTE: Mistakes were made in re: to Iraq and much of our Intelligence was poor.

--True. Intelligence was poor-- basically between George W's ears, thus practically sending our beloved Republican Party back to the Stone Age philosophically and morally.

EMC WROTE: I don't believe crimes were committed - except by Saddam and his henchmen.

--Sorry. What has subsequently taken place in Iraq, certainly after we knew it was totally wrong by 2004, qualifies, not unlike the Rape Nanking, as a crime against humanity. As a democracy, we are now guilty, sadly, of horrible war crimes. Interesting that a democracy as large as ours could actually vote to continue such an atrocious act, as we did in 2004.

EMC WROTE: "Cutting off the hand that offends thee" is a Biblical reference and was not meant literally. It means swift and decisive action when wrongs are committed (rather than long and tedious congressional investigations that culminate in non-consequences for wrong-doers).

--So, given these current terrible war crimes that now blot the American flag with the blood of tens of thousands of innocent lives, including children, how do we cut off our own hand that is "offending us"? Figuratively speaking, of course.

EMC WROTE: Developing a swifter, better military is not the stuff of Sci-Fi; it is happening; I just want it to happen faster.

--Hm. It was the unnecessarily huge build-up of military that brought the USSR down. Their over-spending became their downfall. Where do we draw the line on what, exactly, is prudent spending for an effective, steamlined military? During George W's recession, that kind of revenue might be difficult to come by.

EMC WROTE: I am married, yes. My husband is a nice, reasonable man and not a tyrannical, murderous dictator so militaristic tactics are not required.

--Happy to hear that. And I apologize for not seeing your bio until after I sent my comments.

EMC WROTE: Pat Buchanan is an Isolationatist and would disagree with what I said, so the next point makes no sense.

--Between Pat Buchanan, George W Bush and Larry Craig what has our Grand Old Party come to? Like yourself, I despair.

EMC WROTE: As for the Catholic Inquisition comment, this is 2008 in the U.S. of A...so maybe you could use a more current, apt example (if you want to be taken seriously).

--I don't know-- how about Abu Ghraib, for example? That showed a fun time of our tax dollars hard at work.

EMC WROTE: Though I'm not sure what your actual point was most of the time. Anyone can spout off sarcastic comments and seem clever...but if we don't understand the substance of your positions and arguments, we've gained nothing.

--After rereading your lengthy OMG piece, I think it fair to say that I could say the same thing. Much of it was rambling, hackneyed and cliche-riddled. That said, I felt your paragraph on education was first-rate and right on the mark. Were you ever a public school teacher?

--Alas, happy hunting-- whether it be despots or ducks. I'll bet you're a good shot. More reason for me to remain-- Anonymous.

Elizabeth Crum - "E!!" said...

Dear Anon: How wonderful to receive criticism both of my politics and my writing, all in the same Comment. (Good thing I'm not easily crushed.)

Never was a school teacher, but considered it. In re: to Edu reform, I'm glad we can agree on something.

If you believe crimes were committed by the U.S. vis a vis Iraq, then the offending hand is cut off via the election booth and/or prosecution of those crimes. (Let me know when you find a law firm ready to file a suit against W. and all who voted for the invasion/war.)

Gotta run for now, but thanks for reading and kudos for the points you made that were good.

Spinecase said...

I have been disgusted in the past and changed to "I" on my voter card, but was not allowed to vote in the primaries! w

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