25 April 2008

Be Wary of the Cassowary

According to this piece on Oddity Central and as confirmed in the Guinness Book of Records, Cassowaries are the world’s most dangerous birds. (Note: the photos are worth the click-thru.) Apparently these birds can deal fatal blows and are rather unpredictable, aggressive creatures. Residing in the rain forests of Australia and New Guinea, they're considered "shy" if undisturbed -- but make a mis-step and become a perceived threat to this fierce and feathery fowl and you could receive a bone-breaking kick or get sliced up by its blade-like claws.

(From an Australian Broadcast Network interview with a neighboring tree squirrel who witnessed the crime: "He seemed like such a nice, normal bird. I mean, he never caused any trouble or anything. This is so hard to believe. It's a real tragedy.")

For more reading on this fascinating creature, click here. (Note: As soon as the page loads, your screen arrow turns into an in-flight hummingbird and "flits" around as you move your mouse. Cute!)

Hat Tip re: the Oddity Link: Jonah Goldberg's OLG (Odd Link Gal) on The Corner

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