18 April 2008

File Under: Mind Boggling International Events

We’re finally on the verge of Peace in the Middle East. What? You haven’t heard?? Jimmy Carter has met with Hamas chief Khaled Meshaal! Carter told the press he would “…try everything I can to get [Meshaal] to agree to a peaceful resolution of differences both with the Israelis…and also with Fatah.” Problem solved, people, so let’s all buy the totally awesome ex-Pres a drink, join hands, and commence with the Kumbayas.

(Not!) Carter’s wish for peace is admirable, but this meeting with Hamas was complete and utter foolishness. Carter is not only engaged in a futile endeavor - trying to use his personal charm to change the hearts and minds of the always-violent Hamas - he's also making himself useful to one of the most lethal terrorist groups on the planet. (For those not famililar, Hamas’ charter includes the following words: “Israel will exist…until Islam will obliterate it…”) So how does Hamas’ stated mission to destroy Israel in the name of their religion combined with their large militia equal “a good chance” (Carter's words) that he can convince Hamas to embrace non-violence? It doesn't - but apparently Carter isn’t one to let the facts get in the way of a good story. Nevermind Hamas' propensity for recruiting and training bus-blowing suicide bombers and the errant rockets fired into Gaza week in and week out. Carter is going to sweet talk these guys into playing nicey-nice, just you wait and see.

Has an ex-president ever done anything so unwise? Before you answer, consider that Carter has now given Hamas something they didn’t have before this week: a claim to legitimacy in the ranks of international politics. The sub-text of Carter's dialogue with Hamas is this: "Your murderous political activities do not preclude you from a seat at the negotiating table." As such, Hamas will be encouraged and emboldened. (By all accounts, both Hamas and the Palestinian Street were indeed crowing from the rooftops post-meeting.) Hamas’ monomaniacal rantings, the genocidal echoes of Abdel Nasser’s promise to drive all the Jews into the Mediterranean, seem to have little meaning for Carter. Or perhaps he thinks they’re not really serious? The families of over 1,000 dead Israelis since Arafat’s intifada was ordered up in late 2000 might beg to differ. The on-record ravings of Hamas might also serve to persuade - if Carter were willing to really hear. Hope springs eternal, as the saying goes, but apparently so does the foolishness of our 39th president.

"Do not set foot on the path of the wicked or walk in the way of evil men. Avoid it and do not travel on it; turn from it and go on your way. For they cannot sleep until they do evil; they are robbed of slumber until they make someone fall. They eat the bread of wickedness and drink the wine of violence." --- Proverbs 4:14-17

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