25 April 2008

"Help Me Tom Cruise, Help Me Woody Harrelson!"

For today's Entertainment News don't miss this Associated Press story about Wesley Snipes' three year prison sentence for tax evasion. In an attempt to soften the judge, Snipes offered glowing character references from various Hollywood pals including...Woody Harrelson...? Don't mean to be too hard on anyone here, but is that really the best go-to guy for a strong personal reference?

Update/Note: A friend asked about the header for this post. It's a reference to the movie Talledega Nights starring Will Farrel. The main character - Ricky Bobby - a NASCAR driver suffering from anxiety and paranoia after a bad crash and a nervous breakdown, believes he has caught on fire. He leaps from his vehicle and starts running around the racetrack, screaming: "Help me, Jesus! Help me Jewish God! Help me Allah! Help me, Tom Cruise! Tom Cruise, use your witchcraft to get the fire off me!"

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