08 April 2008

Ted Turner's Dire Predictions Lead to Discussion of Cannibalism at Dinner Table

Last week Mark Hemingway over at The Corner was kind enough to post this funny (actual) dialogue that took place during dinner at our house last week. This conversation followed Ted Turner's prediction that global warming will render the planet a barren desert and turn all of us into cannibals within a few decades. Thought I'd share it. (Our kids are pretty funny, if I do say so myself.)

12-year old Daughter: “So…which of us kids are you and Daddy going to eat first?”

Daddy: “Depends who’s getting the best grades and doing the most chores at the time.”

Daughter: “There won’t BE any grades because of the Failed State, silly!”

13-year old Son: “Anyway, I think the Father is supposed to sacrifice himself for his family…”

Daughter: “Yeah, that’s true. But we wouldn’t have to kill Daddy right away; we could just cut off one leg, then the other… We could probably keep him alive for a few extra weeks that way.”

Son: “What’s the point of dragging it out when Civilization will be in shambles anyway…?”

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